Sunday, May 20, 2012

Name a Character in Dakota Banks' Next Book

In Deliverance: Mortal Path Book 3, I offered the opportunity to name a character in the book. The winner was Jill Bakkum, who appears as a medical doctor in the book. Congratulations, "Dr." Jill!

It was a popular idea, and I'm planning to do the same for Mortal Path 4, working title Bloodletting. You heard it first here, but remember at this stage of the writing, titles sometimes change, so don't hold me to it. :-) In case it isn't obvious to you, that is a fake book cover on the right. F-A-K-E. I just like seeing "Mortal Path Book Four."

You can enter on July 1st right here on this blog. There will be a new page available at that time.

The rules are simple. You must be 18 or over (no real children in my R-rated books, no way, forget it). You can choose any character name you want unless it's obscene, and I'm the judge of that. And you must agree to die, possibly in a gruesome manner, in the book, and not be upset about it later, as in sue me for damaging your tender psyche or something. The role you play is completely at my discretion, but the only things for certain are that you'll have a multi-page, speaking role and that you won't be in the next book. You'll have to sign a short release covering these points.


  1. Wouldn't that be great to have a character named after me!? I'll be watching closely, & waiting for that date to enter! Thanks, Dakota, for all your work for your readers! We LUV ya!

  2. PS - actually, if I won, I'd like you to name it after my friend that introduced me to your Grey Matter series years ago, as a memory to Sandra who died - but you could use her middle name, which would work with your theme already! You'll love it! ;-)

    1. Sounds like a great idea, Cindi, and a fine way to remember your friend.

  3. I was lucky to have my name in 1 book and I must say it was SO COOL, made the book more meaningful.

    1. I've wanted to stick my real name in one of the books, but that would be too, too selfish. Not sure how I'd feel about killing myself, either! :-) But I'm ready to take the axe to one of my readers, fictionally speaking. Ooh! Did I say axe?

  4. I think it is fun when an author does this. Look forward to entering and using plenty of my secret monkey dust on it! And of course reading the next adventure.

    1. Um, monkey dust? Why not fairy dust? Is this from ground up monkeys? Ew.

  5. Lol that is fun! You can kill me however you want, just don't have me eaten by zombies. I'll be signing up on the first of July!

    1. No special requests taken on the manner of death. So far, there haven't been any zombies in the Mortal Path. You did plant the idea, though...

  6. The mortal path series has become one of my favorites in the past few years. The books feel like movies in my head. You've definitely have inspired me in my own writing endeavers. Thanks a bunch. Looking forward to book 4.

  7. How awesome is this contest?! I can't wait to enter! Been looking forward to a new Mortal Path book! Love the series....

  8. I love that you put "you must be willing to die possibly in a gruesome matter." Is there any other way to go out really :) I can't wait to see your new name :)

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